In case you are not satisfied with your purchase and want a refund, you will have the possibility to return Infilaser declaring that you want the refund.
If you are not totally satisfied with InfiLaser’ performance, send an e-mail to one of the customer care representatives at writing your review and asking for a refund.
Once approved, return InfiLaser(in its original packaging) via a forwarder with tracking of the packages to the address that the customer care representative will provide you.
Once returned, the price of our InfiLaser will be refunded to you
InfiLaser reserves the right to amend, suspend or terminate this policy and in the event of a violation of the policy, exclude the customer from its request.
– Your handset is covered by a full 5-years warranty! If your handset has any defects within 5 years of use we will replace it!
– Your handset is certified for safe use, you know you can trust the quality of your product. Don’t risk using an uncertified device!
– Customer satisfaction is our main priority. We have 1000’s of happy customers all over Italy using our product!
Infilaser, Priemyselná 3,
Svätý Jur,90021,
Polígono Alqueria del Moret
C/ Sequia de Rascanya, 32
46210 Picanya de Valencia, Spain
Biz Logistics/ OMEST SAS
Via L. Negrelli Straße 15
39100 Bolzano, Italy