Our warehouse is open 24 hours a day, 7 days per week
You will receive an email within 24 to 48 hrs with your Delivery tracking details
Once your order is placed, processing begins. This takes approximately 0 to 1 hours
Order Processing – 0 to 1 hours
We ship out all our orders by Express Courier. Delivery is FREE
Express Delivery is 6-9 business days
if you have any issues or queries, please reach out to us – info@infilaser.com
Infilaser, Priemyselná 3,
Svätý Jur,90021,
Polígono Alqueria del Moret
C/ Sequia de Rascanya, 32
46210 Picanya de Valencia, Spain
Biz Logistics/ OMEST SAS
Via L. Negrelli Straße 15
39100 Bolzano, Italy